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Health & Safety Policy



The Senior Management Team shall administer and support the Company’s Health and Safety Policy.


This document has been developed to assist employees, associates and learners to maintain high standards of safety and thus reduce the risk of accidents.


The effectiveness of this document depends on the co-operation off all employees, associates and learners.


Safety Induction




All new members of the team will receive a safety briefing as part of the Induction programme and will have their attention drawn to and given a copy of the company’s Health and Safety Policy. They will also be made aware of:


  • Their own personal safety responsibility.

  • The current and any updated guidelines relating to Covid-19 and how this is being implemented within the organisation.

  • Emergency procedures.

  • Accident/Incident reporting procedures, including first aid and near misses.

  • DBS checks.

  • Under no circumstances must they use mobiles when driving.

  • Not be left alone with any vulnerable adult.

  • The importance of not transporting learners on any occasion.

  • They cannot carry out visits to learner’s homes.

  • Completion of whereabouts logs.

  • Lone working procedures.




All new learners will be briefed by staff members responsible for their development on:


  • Emergency procedures for fire, accident, illness and potential hazards.

  • The risks of Covid-19 and the measures that CTS Training have put in place to minimise risk of infection.

  • General safety aspects of areas where they will normally be trained.

  • Location of emergency exits, assembly points, fire extinguishers, telephones and emergency/fire action notices.

  • Safeguarding Policy & procedures.


Employees and Associate Responsibilities  


All members of the team are responsible for stopping any unsafe working practices and for

reporting these or any potential hazards to the CEO.


The person in charge of training a group or individual is responsible for:


  • The safety of that person/group.

  • Equipment and materials including the storage of.

  • The cleaning and tidying of training areas equipment and resources at the end of the training period.

  • Ensuring safeguarding of the person / group.


Use of Machinery, Equipment and Materials 


All of the machinery and equipment in the workplace is categorised according to its degree of hazard. It is recognized that there may be certain operations that does not involve dangerous machinery but are nevertheless inherently dangerous.


  • Those which may only be used by, specialised staff.

  • Those which may be used by learners only under close supervision.

  • Those which may be used by learners when general supervision only is available.

  • Use is restricted to learners who have received formal instructions in handling that particular machine, apparatus or substance and are familiar with the process.


The general supervision category implies that there is at least one responsible employee.


The use of equipment by employees and their ability to supervise others in a safety role is restricted to those with the necessary experience in training.


All equipment must be:


  • Switched of and unplugged; or

  • Isolated from the electrical mains supply when not in use.


Before a learner is allowed to use a particular piece of equipment, apparatus of carry out a process, staff must be satisfied that the learner has the necessary ability to operate safely.



Clothing and Personal Safety


Where personal protective equipment or clothing (PPE/C) is required or provided for use by staff and learners, it must be worn for the purpose intended and warning/instructions notices must be followed.


Environmental Behaviour


Good housekeeping is an important safety factor. All unwanted materials e.g. flip chart paper, general folders and paper, training resources etc should be disposed of appropriately.


Combustible materials should not be allowed to accumulate in any area. Fire exits and routes should be kept clear at all times. Smoke doors in corridors should not be propped open.


Smoking is not allowed on CTS Training premises.


Coats and bags should always be kept tidily in designated areas if applicable.


Maintenance of Equipment     


The maintenance of equipment is, in the first instance, the responsibility of the Senior Management Team.


Visual inspection must be given to electrical equipment, switches, leads and plug tops and to moving parts, guards, barriers and fail safe devices prior to the equipment being used. In case of any suspect electrical connection or equipment, the equipment must be isolated and taken out of use.


All portable electrical equipment must be tested at intervals depending on type, use and environment. Equipment belonging to employees and learners should not be used until it has been PAT tested.


No unauthorised tampering with electrical fittings is allowed.  work is only to be carried out by a competent electrician.


Registers of all inspections must be kept and maintained. Some tests are required by legislation, guidance on these tests appears in the relevant Approved Code of Practice.




It is a requirement for employees to adhere to Government guidance on management of symptoms and self-isolation where recommended which can include:


  • Social distancing at work such as maintaining at least two metres distance, where possible, between participants in essential meetings, avoiding unnecessary travel to other sites, cancellation of face-to-face meetings lasting over 10 minutes and working from home.

  • Increased levels of hygiene management including keeping hands clean and coughing and sneezing into tissues which are immediately disposed of. Also regular cleaning of offices, desks and classrooms, before and after use.


Any visitor who attends centres will be briefed upon arrival by the first member of staff regarding measures in place to reduce risk of infection or harm and all staff will be available to support the ongoing enforcement of such procedures.




Employees who wish to work on the premises outside working hours must have the  consent of the Senior Management Team. In all cases the standards of safety must be maintained and appropriate legislation applies.


Corridors, gangways and exits must be kept clear at all times and not used for storage. Firefighting

equipment, fire alarm call points and all means of escape must not be obstructed. Fire doors must

be kept closed and unlocked whenever a building is occupied. Fire/smoke doors must not be

wedged or propped open.


All accidents and incidents are to be reported.


We take our employees duties seriously and as such conduct risk assessments, taking steps to avoid or control risk where necessary for any lone worker activity.

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