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Equality & Diversity Policy



The purpose of this policy is to provide equality and fairness for all. In practice, this means that we will make every effort to ensure that there is no harassment or unjustified discrimination on the grounds of Protected Characteristics as defined in The Equality Act 2010. The Protected Characteristics cover:


  • Age

  • Disability

  • Gender Reassignment

  • Marriage and Civil Partnership

  • Pregnancy and Maternity

  • Race

  • Religion and Belief

  • Sex

  • Sexual Orientation


Scope of Policy


This policy applies to all staff, participants and visitors to CTS, together with those contracted to work at, or, for CTS.


Our Commitment


  • All staff, learners and visitors will experience a safe environment free from discrimination and harassment and bullying.

  • We are committed to building a diverse and socially inclusive workforce that is responsive and appropriate to all our staff, learners and visitors. By embracing difference in terms of people, skills and cultures we can develop our creative thinking and arrive at winning solutions.

  • We believe that ‘talent’ should be positively exploited and people deliver their best when they feel valued, their opinions are welcomed and acted upon, they are included and when their needs are recognised.

  • CTS will accept no less than an environment that provides equality of opportunity, respects and protects the dignity of individuals and is free from discrimination, harassment, victimisation or bullying of any kind.

  • Breaches of this policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings.

  • This policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.





All CTS staff and learners have a responsibility to ensure that they do not ignore, trivialise or condone discrimination, harassment, victimisation and bullying by others of any kind and to ensure their own conduct conforms to the expected standards and reflects this Policy document.


Managers are responsible for:


  • Ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and equally.

  • Ensuring staff and  participants are encouraged, supported and enable to reach their full potential.

  • Implementing and supporting the aims of this policy.


Staff are responsible for:


  • Implementing and supporting the aims of this policy.

  • Promoting equality and diversity.

  • Contributing to an environment free from intimidation and celebrates diversity.


Dealing with Complaints


If a learner, member of staff or visitor believes that they have suffered any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation CTS will take this very seriously. All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the agreed procedures. Anyone who makes a complaint of discrimination will not be victimised and we will make every effort to ensure victimisation does not occur and that any complaints are dealt with promptly.


Learners can raise this matter through the Complaints Procedure.


Staff can raise this through the Grievance Procedure. Details are available from the staff handbook or the CEO.


Breach of the Policy


We will take seriously any breaches of this policy by staff, learners and visitors. Any such instances will be investigated and where appropriate will be considered under the relevant disciplinary process for staff or learners. With regard to any breach of the policy by visitors we will take appropriate action in relation to the nature of the incident.


Facilities and Working Practices


Whenever reasonably practicable to do so, we will commit to making ‘reasonable adjustments’ to the working environment to give learners, employees or potential employees with disabilities equal opportunities.



  • All learners will be given equal consideration and will not be discriminated against on any grounds referred to in Appendix 1 of this policy.

  • We welcome and support people with all disabilities, including specific learning disabilities, and will make reasonable adjustments and endeavour to meet specific requirements.

  • All recruitment processes will be thorough, carried out objectively, and will only address the learner’s suitability for the programme they have applied for.

  • All members of staff who are in contact with learners are responsible for promoting Equality and Diversity and to avoid bias and discrimination in these areas.

  • Learning materials should be non-discriminatory and accessible to all. If discriminatory material is used to make a point, the discriminatory nature should be pointed out by the staff member using the material.

  • Learners will undertake an Equality and Diversity session as part of their induction and ongoing throughout their time on programme.




Training & Development

  • All staff will have access to the same training regardless of their working arrangement.

  • All new employees will attend a thorough induction programme that will cover their responsibilities as employees, the company’s responsibilities to them in respect of all aspects of their employment, training, development, equality and diversity and health and safety. 

  • We provide a range of training and development opportunities to help employees develop and progress in their roles.  All our training content and materials are free from discriminatory assumptions or language.

  • We endeavour to create a learning environment in which all employees feel comfortable regardless of their Protected Characteristic.

  • We facilitate regular appraisal and performance management reviews where all parties are encouraged to provide constructive feedback and evaluation.


Promotion Opportunities

  • Promotion opportunities will be advertised to all staff. We will assess all applications for promotion on merit and will follow a thorough recruitment and selection process.



  • All appropriately qualified applicants will be given equal consideration during the recruitment process and will not be discriminated against on any grounds referred to in Appendix 1.



  • Statistical information is collected and passed to Management in order to ensure adherence to this policy and to identify any shortfalls in Equality and Diversity.

  • Equality and Diversity is discussed as part of the Quality agenda item at Management/Team meetings.   Reports and recommendations are discussed.  

  • A record of all incidents and complaints is maintained by the Respective Line Manager & HR.  Action will be taken as appropriate.

  • CTS will review this policy annually and ensure any updates are communicated to staff.

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